About KeeKaw

KeeKaw is a platform owned and operated by Frolicbit technologies Pvt. Ltd. It is an independent platform acting as the Social Network driven marketplace dedicated to gamers and eSports enthusiasts.

Gaming and eSports community is rapidly growing every year with billions of people worldwide. KeeKaw is one of a kind in the whole world to connect gamers and facilitate commercial as well as non-commercial interactions between participants.


How Users can Benefit from KeeKaw

·         Earn Real Cash: Earn by selling your gaming skills and expertise in the form of:

o   Services: To help other gamers achieve milestones by coaching, assisting and so on.

o   Products: Guides, Mods you have developed.

·         Payments for delivery assured through KeeKaw owned escrow like account

·         Build your community: Invite your friends to join you on KeeKaw and connect with other gamers.

·         Discover tips and tricks, trending games, new games, most popular games and other useful information.

·         Play together: Our LFG functionality helps you create a group and play with users from around the world.


Live chat allows you to interact with other gamers in the real time. KeeKaw aspires to create a vibrant community of Gamers.


How to contact us

If you have any questions about KeeKaw’s privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email us at: support@keekaw.com

Call us: +91-938-565-6103

Or write to us at: Frolicbit Technologies, 365, Dr Munje Road, Dhantoli, Nagpur 440012, India